Archive for the
‘Articles’ Category

Arkadiy Pekarevskiy, co-owner of the Aztec confectionery factory and the founder of the Sela chain, told NP about what he learned from his mistakes: Arkadiy Mikhailovich, it’s been  8 years since you left the business of a large retailer Sela (at that time its turnover was $ 200 million), you sold your part of the […]



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Categories: Articles

Federal retail chains are a huge distribution source. But getting in there isn’t easy, especially for small manufacturer and startups. Arkadiy Pekarevskiy, co-owner of Aztec confectionery factory (Grondard brand), explains how to negotiate with retail chains and what will it take to appear on a supermarket shelf.  One friend of mine used to say: “When […]



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Categories: Articles

Billionaire Arkadiy Pekarevskiy together with his business partners launched an aggregator for renting ships and buying tickets for sea travel. This market’s capacity in Russia is estimated at 80 billion rubles a year. The businessman plans to bring the aggregator to the international market. Arkadiy Pekarevskiy, former co-owner of Sela retail chain, current owner and […]



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Categories: Articles

In September 2018, the Aztec confectionery is launching a new product on the market: wish-fulfilling marzipan. It not only pleases with the sweet taste and aroma of almonds, but also charges with positive emotions, it tunes in to achieve goals and turns into an excellent gift for yourself, friends and family. Today, no one will […]



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Categories: Articles

A charismatic businessman launches marzipan, which make wishes come true, and promotes the Symbol of Peace and Kindness in the world’s airports, one of which (a giant Dandelion) has already been installed in Pulkovo. For us, Arkadiy wrote a practical business plan on how to become successful. Spoiler: work on yourself. Every person has a […]



by: admin


Categories: Articles

Russian Ministry of Economic Development proposed to legislate “family business” concept. The Ministry also suggested to work on a special tax regime for such type of entrepreneurship. Small and medium-sized companies represent the biggest number of family businesses: family restaurants, studios and clinics. But family ties help big companies too. “DP” magazine explains how St. […]



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Categories: Articles